
Special features and problems of rural society in Hungary

  • Krisztián Ritter 1
  • 1 associate professor, Szent István University, Faculty of Economics and Social Sciences

One of the basic pillar but also the indicator of rural security is the state of the social processes at a specified region. These are significantly related to the economic, environmental and developmental status of a given country, region, micro-region. Basically, the population of more developed areas shows more favorable demographic trends, while social problems are less or in some other form than in less developed, disadvantaged areas. In Europe and Hungary, the underprivileged, peripheral rural areas have to face aging, migration and economic, social and environmental problems as results. What is more, the occasionally favourable demographic trends can often be related to the slumificating of the disadvantaged population. Based on the general situation of rural areas, this article attempts to summarize the typical social situation and main problems of domestic rural areas, relying on the relevant literature, the strategic documents of the EU and Hungary, and secondary data.

pp. 98-112