
rural development

The impacts of good road connections on rural farming in Shongom Local Government Area of Gombe state, Nigeria

The role of road networks in agriculture can never be over emphasised. Amongst all the other means of transportation, road has contributed a lot to agriculture and rural development in Nigeria and many other African countries. Apart from the significant roles of discovering new areas and opening of better markets for farm produce, it enables distribution of agricultural outputs and inputs both within villages, towns and cities in the country and also used for conveying farm produce home from farms.

The role of agriculture in local development through the example of Körösfő (Romania)

The role of the endogenous resources has been emphasized since a long time by the literature of territorial and rural development. In parallel the role of agriculture in local employment has decreased significantly for the last few decades. The Institute for Regional Economics and Rural Development (IRERD) of the Szent István University Gödöllő regularly makes researches in traditionally farming rural villages to analyze the possible role of agriculture besides such tendencies in local development strategies.

Local economic activities serving good governance in rural areas

The aim of this study is to give an overview on the concepts and practices of governance and good governance in the world with the recent Hungarian research results. It has always an important issue how good governance can lead to the development and catching up of rural areas, how it can translate economic growth to the welfare of people. Good governance has been placed high on the agenda of development policies, since it is supposed to create an environment in which sustained economic growth becomes achievable.

Special features and problems of rural society in Hungary

One of the basic pillar but also the indicator of rural security is the state of the social processes at a specified region. These are significantly related to the economic, environmental and developmental status of a given country, region, micro-region. Basically, the population of more developed areas shows more favorable demographic trends, while social problems are less or in some other form than in less developed, disadvantaged areas.