

Demographic Trends, Macroeconomic Effects, and Forecasts

Spatial analysis of certain population processes in the Danube Wine Region

Bearing in mind that five of the seven priority initiatives of the Europe 2020 Strategy deal with demographic criteria, I largely think that it is important to present some of the population processes of the Danube wine region, the largest viticulture and wine region in Hungary. I have chosen 10 years between 2010-2019 as the studying period. My aim was to place the examined demographic processes in territorial dimensions and paying attention to spatial contexts.

A Kunhegyesi járás társadalmi sajátosságai

A Kunhegyesi járás az Észak-Alföldi régió leghátrányosabb helyzetű járása. Jelen tanulmány célja a járás népesedési folyamatainak megértetése, amelyre a jövőben a járás településeinek társadalmi felzárkózás szempontú összehasonlító elemzése épül majd. A járás lakossága 2011 óta apad, az országos átlagokhoz képest a jövedelemszint és az adófizetők aránya alacsony, rosszabbak az egészségügyi mutatók és magasabb a korai halálozás aránya. Háromból két gyermek hátrányos helyzetű, miközben a fiatalok túlnyomó többsége végzettség megszerzése nélkül lemorzsolódik a középfokú oktatásból.

Determinants of deprivation in Turkey, a logistic regression analysis

The main goal of this paper is to analyse factors which increase the probability of becoming poor, as well as to estimate which characteristics raises the risk of becoming poor. We use a logit model, which is a flexible way to seek determinants of a phenomena. None of the poverty literature denies the role of education and employment status in becoming poor. However, we test the contribution of other explanatory variables to look at poverty from different approaches. Deprivation index will be used as measure of poverty.

Special features and problems of rural society in Hungary

One of the basic pillar but also the indicator of rural security is the state of the social processes at a specified region. These are significantly related to the economic, environmental and developmental status of a given country, region, micro-region. Basically, the population of more developed areas shows more favorable demographic trends, while social problems are less or in some other form than in less developed, disadvantaged areas.