
Class H

Social Sciences

Analysis of the ecosystem of e-sport

Our daily lives are characterized by constant development, which offers new opportunities for us in several fields of life. As a result of technological development and digitalisation, a new industry (e-sport) has emerged and is growing rapidly. The popularity of e-sport is skyrocketing, but there are still several questions around this issue. Despite or due to the rapid growth, operators, operations, drivers, and contexts of this part of the entertainment industry are still an area that is unknown and needs to be explored.

Implementing of 5S rule in iron-steel industry company

Nowadays, every company cares about reducing their waste and cost. While they are doing that they would prefer to make it effectively and efficiently. That is why the 5S rule is recently a more suitable tool to use for companies. In this paper, It was studied how to implement the 5S rule in an iron-steel industry company with an interview of a quality engineer who works in this company. This case study was made to be an example for the sector by photographing the before-after situations of 5S implementation.

Making rural cities smart – by upgrading existing cities or creating new ones?

The importance of SMART initiatives is undeniable nowadays. Due to technological, economic and social processes, our world faces many global challenges, such as food and water shortage, global economic imbalance, demographic problems and – based on the authors’ opinion – vastly underrated global inequality. These problems need to be addressed in the next few decades in order to ensure that we can leave a safe and sustainable planet to our descendants.

A területi turizmusfejlesztés lehetőségei Csíkdánfalván

Jelen kéziratban a székelyföldi Csíkdánfalva település turizmusfejlesztési lehetőségeit vizsgáljuk a község gazdaságfejlesztési potenciálján, illetve az elérhető eszközrendszerén keresztül. A tanulmány eredményeit egy egészen friss kutatás adja, melyet 2020 első negyedévében fejeztünk be. A kutatás alapvető célja volt, hogy komplex képet rajzoljon a székely Csíkdánfalva település jelenlegi turisztikai potenciájáról, illetve azok helyzetéről a jövőbeni fejlesztési lehetőségek tükrében.

The sustainability concerns determining the development course of urban transport

In connection with the preparations for strategic decisions regarding the development of local living spaces, the factors affecting quality of life and liveability are becoming more and more emphasized, in addition to their immediate expression, examination of their long-term effects is becoming more and more inevitable, as well (see the social intensification of the issue of climate change). Consequently, life and functioning of cities are fundamentally determined by transport, i.e. by the available means of travelling.

A társadalmi változásokkal fejlődő települési szennyvíz-gazdálkodási koncepciók kronologikus áttekintése

Évszázadok alatt a kommunális és ipari szennyvizek mennyisége, összetétele az urbanizáció és a modern társadalom tevékenységének következtében folyamatosan változott. A városok kialakulásával párhuzamosan a népsűrűség (/fő/km²) is nagyobb lett, ami nemcsak fontossá, hanem szükségszerűvé is vált a szennyvízkezelési megoldása. A népesség tömörülésében óriási szerepe volt többek között a földrajzi viszonyoknak, az infrastruktúrának és az iparosodásnak is.

Why should mentoring still be an issue on the future labour market?

The participants of the future labour market are the present-day secondary school and university students. The question of knowledge-management has become a highlighted issue nowadays in the companies’ everyday life. Sharing of knowledge is necessary in the management practice of any competitive companies. Knowledge management has several forms and mentoring is one of them. The question may arise whether future jobs will require mentoring or automation will also solve this issue.

The divisive character of public works programmes

Among the tools of labour market, public works is one of the oldest; therefore its use is almost natural. Although at the same time it is the aim of public works, the extent and targetedness of its use which decide whether public works functions as an active tool of employment policy or rather as a socio-political tool to manage poverty. Connecting welfare to public works (workfare) can only be understood related to reintegration efforts aiming at the unemployed and also to fighting poverty.

A nyelvtudás szükségessége a munkaerőpiacon

A globalizáció, az internalizáció, a növekvő számú külföldi tanulmányi- és munkalehetőségek, valamint a munkaerőpiacon való megfelelni vágyás mind felveti az idegen nyelvtudás szükségességét, hiszen az információ és a tudás átadásához elengedhetetlenül szükség van idegen nyelvekre a jelenlegi magyar munkaerőpiacon. Jelen cikk arra keresi a választ, hogy az idegen nyelvtudás vajon lehet -e a munkaerőpiaci siker és elégedettség záloga.


Psychical and demographic factors that influence trading on the stock exchange

The need of self-care for the elderly has also appeared in Central and Eastern Europe in the changing political and economic conditions of today.The emerging responsibility of self-support directs attention to the opportunities provided by higher-yield investments, among others, the stock exchange. By avoiding the typical "investment mistakes" we can provide ourselves higher returns, living standards and a more relaxed age.
