
Applied food safety requirements in the case of organic farmers’ food processing activity and their effects on the production

  • Kinga Nagy-Pércsi 1
  • 1 Associate professor, Szent István University, Faculty of Economics and Social Sciences

The improvement of the organic farming is a basic aim of the national agricultural policy for years. The new CAP 2014-2020 also strengthen the central role of organic agriculture in the fight against climate change, the protection of the environment and the preservation of biodiversity. The organic farms are usually small scale enterprises so their development also relating to the improvement of the Short Food Supply Chains which is supported in the frame of the Rural Development Programme. The health related characteristics of the food product gained on importance in the past decade among the European consumers. The organics has more favourable characteristics from this aspect as compared to the conventional food, which is due to the organic producing principles. However the food safety, hygienic characteristic of the food stemming from local small scale farmers are similar to the organics. The aim of the article is to reveal the judgement of the applied rules by the organic and small scale farmers and to find the main differences in food safety level in the two product categories in this field.

Befoglaló szám: 
pp. 116-122