

Issues of trade integration between EU, CIS and Russia: influences of multilateral trade in agricultural commodities

Trade with agricultural products in last decades becomes more and more internationalized and globalized. A global trading system is now both freer and fairer than ever before and this will boost global prosperity and can make a significant contribution to the global economic development. Favorable conditions for development of international trade with agricultural products are caused by the trade liberalization, development of trade unions and free trade areas all over the world.

Analysis the farm-level diversification and market position of the Hungarian organic products

In Hungary 1560 farms were involved in the organic farming in 2012. According to the producers' list of the Hungarian Federation of Associations for Organic Farming, on which 1126 members were registered, Pest, Szabolcs-Szatmár-Bereg, Hajdú-Bihar and Bács-Kiskun counties counts most of the organic farmers. The supply of the organic farmers can be featured by various, diversified products.