
Account management of the local authorities: Case study from Hungary

  • Tekla Jakab 1
  • Janka Klára Szabó 1
  • 1 PhD Student, Hungarian University of Agriculture and Life Sciences, Doctoral School of Economics and Regional Sciences

The study examines the impact of the integration of Savings Cooperatives on the account management of local governments in the framework of a questionnaire survey. In the course of the research, the authors evaluated the factors influencing the bank change within the framework of principal component analysis, cluster analysis, and cross-tabulation analysis.


Significant changes took place in the savings of the Hungarian Local Governments as a result of the integration of the Saving Cooperative, which had a significant impact on the account management and the municipal portfolio. The Savings Cooperative was particularly strong in this local governmental customer segment, so assessing the impact of integration may be of interest in terms of bank marketing.

pp. 35-46