
The value creating relation between e-commerce and e-logistics

  • Istvan Torcsvary 1
  • 1 MSc graduate, Szent István University, Faculty of Economics and Social Sciences

One of the greatest challenges of our days in the field of logistics is the effect of E-logistics and E-commerce on each other, and the discovery of possibilities deriving from their relationship. In parallel with occuring internet in our daily life, the habits and expectations of customers have fundamentally changed. Traditional forms of commerce gradually lose their former roles, and as an effect of a modified/ changed technical environment it is getting more and more difficult to address the customers through conventional channels. Nowadays only those companies are able to produce real value-added products which know the needs of customers and are able to immediately react/ adapt to the modified needs and the challenges of changing economic environment as well. In order to know the expectations of customers it is important to ’map’ the needs and categorize the customers themselves. The efficient relation between E-commerce and E-logistics give proper answer on this as well. The results in my field of research support the fact that companies do not pay enough attention on the value-added processes of E-logistics because they think that the competing parties will fall behind. Nevertheless this false comfort zone may endanger their position.

Befoglaló szám: 
pp. 169-175