

Technological Innovation

Az agrárdigitalizáció elterjedését segítő kutatási irányok és lehetőségek

A digitalizáció és az automatizáció nélkül manapság nem lehet versenyelőnyre szert tenni a mostani piaci helyzetben, és ez igaz a mezőgazdaságra is. A technológiai fejlődés lehetővé teszi, hogy olyan módszereket, gépeket, precíziós eszközöket és folyamatokat lehessen alkalmazni az agrárium területén, amely csökkenti a termelési költségeket és a környezetre gyakorolt negatív hatást. A költségek mérséklésével a gazdálkodók növelni tudják a termelést, annak ellenére, hogy a munkaerőpiac erőforráshiánnyal küzd, amely igaz a mezőgazdaság területére is. A megjelenő kihívásokra, mint pl.

The recognition of resource use through industrial development from a social perspective

Rural population is vulnerable partly for its lack of self-sufficiency. This recognition considerably varies from the way rural territories functioned more than 200 years ago. The peasant societies were well known about sustaining themselves. A major trigger for the disappearance of this pattern was industrialization. This paper explicitly reviews a social perspective of industrialism and provides a novel point of view regarding its overall recognition. The present study states that there was an incremental effect of relying on machines. People have lost their sense of practical skills.

Multiculturalism as a socio-cultural component of the sustainable development in Nigeria

The concept of sustainable development has no longer been defined from a strictly environmental perspective for quite a few years now. The scope of the problem has been enlarged to include its social dimensions, leading notably to a renewed focus on the topic of national social and cultural diversity.

The innovative EU – the future of Europe

In this study, I am going to compare the current innovation performance of the European Union with that of its competitors and give guidance on how to promote the flow of knowledge in Europe thereby enhancing the efficiency of the R&D sector. These processes might be solutions to recover from the economic crisis and make progress in the 21st century.