
The marketing channels of the local food production and their food safety requirements

  • Kinga Nagy-Pércsi 1
  • 1 Associate professor, Szent István University, Faculty of Economics and Social Sciences

As the consequence of the modernization of the consumer habits and the intensive concentration process in retail sector there is an emerging need for building closer consumer- producer relations (Szabó, 2014).

Local food production and localized food supply chains, often referred as food relocalisation, have recently become the focus of attention among consumers, producers, as well as policy makers (Balázs, 2012). These systems have a long tradition in the United States and in Western Europe, and they also have deep historic roots in Hungary (Balázs et. al, 2015). In Hungary about 70% trust more in farmers, compared to 30% in stores (Eurobarometer, 2011).

The organic food producing activity is a special category in the range of local food production. The consumers usually keep the local food products healthier, fresher and safer as compared to the food marketed in the conventional food supply chains. This is even true for the organic food. In this case the consumers approve and appreciate the producing method also. However the market of organic products is quite small in Hungary, based on its development potential it has strategic importance (Szakály, 2004, in Szente, 2015).

Relating to the abovementioned the aim of this article is to introduce the main marketing channels of Hungarian local food production, the relating most important food safety problems. I paid a special attention to the marketing channels of local organic production, because in this product circle the food safety requirements have vital importance.

Befoglaló szám: 
pp. 155-164